Pakistan Floods 2011

Today, Pakistan needs you more than ever.

This is country of People of Pakistan, We must stand united.
The recent floods have created another challenge for the nation. The people of Pakistan needs to stand united to help the flood affected people of Sindh. 
A Fund titled “Prime Minister Relief Fund-2011” has been established by the Finance Division for receiving financial donations for the flood affected people in Sindh and other parts of the country. 
Donations from both domestic and international donors will be received at all branches of State Bank of Pakistan, Treasuries, Branches of National Bank of Pakistanand all other Scheduled banks. In the foreign countries the contribution will be received at Pakistan Missions and remitted to the State Bank of Pakistan.
All proceeds received in the name of the Fund will be credited to the public account of the Federal Government under the following head of account;

            Major Object:                 G12                  Special Deposit Fund
            Minor Object:                 G121                Relief Funds
            Detailed Object (New)    G.12145            Prime Minister’s Relief fund-2011

The accounts of the Fund will be maintained by Accountant General of Pakistan Revenues Islamabad and the Fund will be administered by the Cabinet Division through F.A. Organization.


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