End NATO cooperation

Courtesy:- Rizwan Ghani

The parliament should end NATO cooperation to avoid being part of US policy in Asia. The parliament was voted into power to scrap Musharraf’s pro-US policy so it is democratically obliged to end NATO cooperation. Pakistan has already lost over 40,000 people in America’s So-called War Against Terrorism (SWAT), spent $100 bn tax money on the war (China Daily) and suffered irreparable loss to national economy and image. Hillary and Gen. Allen’s statements projecting Pakistan as a threat to SWAT have shown that America cannot have a mutually beneficial relationship with Pakistan. Obama also undermined Pakistan’s support when he refused to meet Gilani in UN in September (local media, March 24). The establishment of permanent American military bases in Afghanistan under US-Afghan strategic alliance will change Pakistan into a permanent supply route, which in turn will thwart prospects of permanent peace in Pakistan and the region. Therefore, Pakistan should scrap NATO cooperation. 

Drone attacks should not be up for discussion with US. As part of its Doctrine of Right to Protect (DRP), America is using drones for extra judicial killings in Pakistan. The American political, intelligence and military leadership merits to be tried in The Hague for crimes against humanity underChapter 7 of the UN based on the Nuremberg Trial guaranteeing a fair trial. Washington’s illegal use of drones is a challenge for the UN, the human rights bodies and the international community supporting rule of law and conventions. Both Pakistan and America are UN member states therefore America cannot violate Pakistan’s sovereignty through drone attacks, illegal military operations and running spy networks. Furthermore, America is not at war with Pakistan therefore by resorting to these illegal activities breaching international laws and conventions. In fact, they are acts of war against Pakistan which if not stopped immediately and unconditionally give Islamabad every right to use all means at its disposal including appropriate force to uphold its sovereignty, protect its citizens and bring a permanent end to US imperialism against a small state. 

Pakistan should not allow America to abuse its hospitality by resorting to extra-judicial killings of innocent Pakistanis under the garb of Geneva Convention for diplomats and bilateral relations. To end anti-Pakistan activities of the US under diplomatic cover, parliament should downgrade bilateral relations with America, destroy drones, evict Americans from the country and bring US diplomatic staff to single digits. The relocation and reduction in the size of US embassies will help end technological and human support for attacks against Pakistan. Munter should be replaced because he was NATO’s intelligence officer in Iraq. All NATO member embassy staff should also be placed under strict surveillance.

Drone attacks are a part of America’s illegal policy. The UN debate over Syria is a clash of two divergent and competing ideologies. Under its DRP, America is pushing for the use of military intervention in a sovereign nation in the name of human rights. China and Russia have however rejected this doctrine because it violates international laws and conventions including the UN principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of a sovereign member state by other UN members. That is why both China and Russia want the UN and the world to uphold the law in Syria’s case. They believe that America’s stand on Syria is part of its policy to establish control over the rest of the world after the collapse of USSR. The cases in point are revolutions in Ukraine and Georgia, invasions of Yugoslavia, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya. Beijing opposes military intervention in Syria under its policy of non-interference in sovereign states (On the wrong side of history, March 23, the Hindu). China and Russia should support Pakistan to protect its sovereignty and that of other independent states. 

Pakistan will become stronger by ending its reliance on America. Bolivia has transformed itself after rejecting Washington’s capitalist economic model. According to UNDP, it is the top country in Latin America because it transferred 2.5 % of GDP resources to the poorest. The government nationalized hydrocarbons, electricity, telecommunications, mining and has 34% of the economy under state control. It renegotiated the FDI, changed fiscal policy, and ended imports of economically strategic products. Its tax revenue has gone up and foreign currency reserves have crossed $12bn. The local banks adopted savings-and-loans system and reduced external debt. Industrialization and exporting value- added products are part of its five-year plan despite decrease in overseas remittances, scrapping of MFN status by the US, and global recession.

Pakistan and the West have nothing in common on women and human rights. Hillary said both countries share anti-terror interests which is nothing but an excuse to trap minorities. It is already fixed (The ex-FBI informant’s change of heart: ‘There is no real hunt. It’s fixed’, March 20, the Guardian). Women empowerment is part of NATO’s Afghan war. The fate of women in America, UK and other NATO allies is no different from that of women inAfghanistan. The American Republicans are denying women their right to abortion, free contraception, allied checkups and imposing invasive ultrasounds. It is equally true for women in UK facing opposition against abortion, same sex marriages, teenage pregnancies and accepting sex abstinence (Anti-abortionists grow bold …, March 23, the Guardian). The women cannot report rape in UK due to non-cooperation of police (Myths about rape conviction rates … police, March 19, the Guardian). Trayvon’s murder in Florida, killing of millions of Iraqis and Afghans and desecration of the Quran expose West’s social Darwinism (Wikipedia). The West is fighting in Afghanistan to empower women but back home it is doing exactly what it describes as Taliban. 

Ending NATO cooperation will not isolate Pakistan in the region. On Friday, Medvedev said that Euro-Atlantic security remained a myth because America was unwilling give written guarantees that NATO Missiles will not be used against Russia’s nuclear forces. NATO has offered Russia to create an anti-ballistic shield against Iran along with Romina, Poland, Turkey and Spain. The US envoy to NATO has said the US will press on with its plans whether Russia likes it or not. Islamabad is reviving its relations with Iran including Pak-Iran gas pipeline to protect its energy needs but America is blocking it while it has exempted its eleven allies from Iranian oil import ban (US’ double standards, March 23, China Daily). It is forcing Islamabad to adopt alternate fuel supply routes from India instead of Iran and Gulf routes through Gwadar (Pak seeks petrol and India says yes, March 24, the Hindu). Similarly, the US resolution in UNHRC against Sri Lanka, which is also backed by India, is against region’s interests. Pakistan will not be isolated because in near future, only the US military will be left occupying Afghanistan. Parliament must scrap NATO supply routes in national and regional interests. To end permanent US Afghan occupation, parliament should demand complete withdrawal of US forces from Afghanistan to restore peace in the country and the region. Furthermore, it is about time our parliament uses end of NATO cooperation to signal end of transactional Pak-US military relations and offer America long-term relations with Pakistan in non-military areas starting with public welfare.


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