The growth of free and independent media in Pakistan

Courtesy:- Dr. Firdous Ashiq Awan
TODAY, we are living in the age of information. With the advent of modern technologies and social media, it is impossible to ignore the rapid growing need for information in every walk of life. Nowadays everyone is dependent on quick, easy and reliable source of information for their effective and efficient working. Now, the world has become a global village and information is not less than lifeblood to all government officials, politicians, agriculturists, businessmen, industrialists, stock market professionals, academicians, teachers and even layman citizens. The information is directly linked with the inevitable media growth across the world. Today the media is altogether a different entity as it used to be in the past. The vibrant,independent and responsible media is inevitable to nurture democratic societies.
Last dictatorial regime ended up with dreadful draconian media laws in 2007, which proved to be the direct violation of the Article 19 of theconstitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan. The Mushraff regime in the garb of emergency took action against TV channels and FM radios by raiding their offices, issuing show cause notices, and confiscating equipment on several occasions. Pakistan’s television industry came to a grinding halt after the government blocked all transmission as President Gen. Pervez Musharraf imposed emergency rule on this South Asian country. Curbs were imposed on the media through amendments in two ordinances.
Pakistan Peoples Party believes in the freedom of expression and we consider it as an equivalent to the greater freedom for the country itself. We are not afraid of fair criticism from the Media which ensures that the government remains on track to develop the country and its people. We consider media as a watchdog of the interests of the people. Following the footsteps of its philosophy, envisioned by its shaheed leaders, the government repealed draconian media related laws and ensured free access of people to information through amending laws and implementing those which already existed in the law books. No journalist, poet or writer was put behind bars for opposing the government nor were any restrictions imposed on TV channels or censorship on newspapers.
Pakistan, like all other democratic countries believe in access to Information and freedom of speech as envisaged in its constitution. Keeping in view the unquestionable importance of information in the modern world, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting (M/o I&B) in Pakistan is fully committed to deliver its best at national and international front. With the emergence of mushroom growth of private TV and radio channels,newspapers and social media the responsibility of the Ministry has also increased manifolds. The ministry with its scanty resources has achieved much within last four years of this democratically elected government.
The Ministry of Information & Broadcasting is the principal arm of the Federal Government, whose function is not only to project and promote strengths & positives of the government but also to build image of the country and highlight its policies and achievements through print and electronic media both within the country and abroad. Dissemination of information for the public awareness, provision of feedback to the government on daily basis and facilitation of the media representatives for good Government-Press relationship is the primary responsibility of the Ministry.
The biggest achievement of the Ministry is to introduce the policy of Self-regulation for the private media in Pakistan. It encourages vibrant, responsible and dynamic role of private media in Pakistan, which was discouraged in the last dictatorial regime. Another achievement of the democratic government is that the Press Council of Pakistan (PCP), established under a law in 2002, is now complete and has become a functional body. I hope that the Press Council will play a role of bridge between common masses and media institutions and it will be a non-partisan, independentand autonomous body which will be compatible with the regional and global institutions.
We have also set up Journalists Welfare fund that has been established with Rs 200 million initially and the amount will subsequently be increased annually. It will be an endowment fund meant to provide relief to the journalist and their families who have fallen victim to the acts of terrorism in line of their duty. The details of the compensation in different categories have already been worked out by the M/o I & B in consultation with the national and regional Press Councils.
Press Information Department (PID) is the most important organ of the Ministry. The Department is extensively engaged in projecting the new initiatives and policies of the government in all the federal and provincial departments. In addition to that, the Department has been facilitating all the other government departments/ministries in printing advertisements, press notes and press releases from time to time.
The Department has a pioneer role for the publicity and projection of the government within the country. The record has now been maintained digitally on compact disks (CDs). Recently, the department has established a Social Media Cell to in-line the department with upcoming online media trends. Notwithstanding, the Cell is in its embryonic stage, but still contributing towards the requirement of soft image building and positive opinion formation about the country on the social interaction forums.
Pakistan Electronic Media & Regulatory Authority (PEMRA), under the policy laid down by the ministry has been facilitating the private media to obtain fast and easy licenses for the private media. PEMRA is accredited of providing, more than 200,000 direct employment for people of diversified skills and qualifications. Cumulative investment: ranges approximately up to $ dollar 2.50 billion in the electronic media industry alone. Job opportunities for skilled media personnel and journalists, expanding work of media production houses, advertising agencies and proliferation of the performing arts have accommodated about seven million people through indirect employment.
In pursuit of achieving excellence PEMRA has started Council of Complaints followed by 24/7 operational, state-of-the-art Complaint call center at head office. It would facilitate the public to register and log their suggestions/complaints regarding the transmissions. For the follow-up and convenience of the viewers/listeners, the complete month-wise “Viewers Feedback and Complaint Management System” is maintained by the PEMRA and could be viewed anytime on its website.
External Publicity Wing (EP-Wing) is responsible for the projection of the Government policies through press officers in missions abroad. It is also responsible for the foreign media encounters with the President, Prime Minister and other VIPs; and also arranged briefings and press conferences. The wing facilitates foreign journalists and media delegations and provide them with publicity and promotional material. Department of Films and Publication (DFP), is responsible for publishing Magazine “Mah-e-Nau” (Urdu) and “Pakistan Pictorial” (English) to publicize and document the culture, language, values, literature and arts. The department is extensively engaged in holding exhibitions from time to time, to promote better and soft image of the country in collaboration with other autonomous/ private bodies.
Pakistan Television (PTV), a self-reliant organization is competing well-enough with the private channels by utilizing its long-lasting family transmissions and extensive outreach all over Pakistan. Operationally, PTV has enhanced its transmission up to seven (07) channels with the logos of PTV-HOME, PTV-NEWS, PTV NATIONAL, PTV BOLAN, AJK TV, PTV GLOBAL and PTV SPORTS.
In the wake of new technologies, portable gadgets and multimedia, Pakistan Broadcasting Corporation (PBC) is still keeping its niche audience alive. Utilizing its outreach and long distance transmission network, PBC is widely listened appreciated across Pakistan. It is top priority of the present government to resolve the problems of the working journalists as if their problems are not resolved; they will not be able to able to properly highlight the problems of the masses. The government desires that journalists should express their thoughts and opinion with full independence and confidence. The government would continue to improve working conditions of media persons and hope that the journalist community would act in a responsible and careful manner in matters of national interest and security of the country.
To conclude, the Ministry has carved its ways and means according to the rapidly changing global trends in print and electronic media. Newly, established Social Media Cell, Cyber Wing; and Electronic and Media Regulatory Wing (EMR-Wing) are the few examples to mention. Moreover, Ministry is constantly improving its capacity to deliver better than contemporary state of affairs. Realizing the need for training and development of officers, the Ministry is also trying to take more and more initiatives for the improvement of current human resources. The never-ending endeavors of Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, for the positive and proactive image building of Pakistan would continue in the times to come.
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