Pakistan Role in UN Peacekeeping

Courtesy:- Maimuna Ashraf

Peacekeeping, as defined by the United Nations is a way to help countries torn by conflict creates conditions for sustainable peace. UN peacekeepers—soldiers and military officers, civilian police officers and civilian personnel from many countries—monitor and observe peace processes that emerge in post-conflict situations and assist ex-combatants in implementing the peace agreements they have signed.

Such assistance comes in many forms, including confidence-building measures, power-sharing arrangements, electoral support, strengthening the rule of law, and economic and social development. All operations must include the resolution of conflicts through the use of force to be considered valid under the charter of the United Nations.
UN peacekeeping missions involving Pakistan covers a long and cherished history of Pakistani involvement with the United Nations. Pakistan joined the United Nations on 30 September, 1947. Pakistan has been actively involved in most of the UN Peacekeeping missions and its specialized agencies and other bodies, as well as in various UN conferences.
Pakistan has been selected as a member of the Peace building Commission from the category of troop contributing countries. Pakistan looks forward to contributing to the work of the Peace-building Commission with its vast experience in peacekeeping and peace-building.
Significantly, Pakistan is the largest contributor of military personnel to UN operations for the last three years 2000s. Pakistan is also amongst the top providers of Civilian Police and Military Observers. The history of Pakistan Armed Forces commitment in peacekeeping can be traced back to 1960 when Pakistani soldiers became part of United Nations peacekeeping efforts in Congo.
With the expanded and renewed UN role, Pakistan has gradually become a forerunner in the worldwide peace efforts. The countries past contributions to various UN missions in form of contingents and observer groups include UN mission in Congo, 1960-64, UN Security Force in New Guinea West Irian, 1962-63, UN mission in Iraq-Kuwait in 1991-2003, UN Mission in Haiti, 1995-1998, UN Transitional Authority in Cambodia, 1992-195, UN Mission in Somalia, 1992-1995, UN Operation in Somalia, 1992-1995, UN Protection Forces in Bosnia,1992-1996, UN Transitional Administration for Easter Slovenia, 1996-2001, UN Assistance Mission in Sierra Leone, 2001-2005 and UN Mission in Brundi, 2004. The mission in Congo was established in August 2003.
Presently a total of approximately 10513 troops of Pakistan army and Police are part of UN missions around the globe, 250 in Haiti, 175 in Kosovo, 3,590 in Congo, 3,419 in Liberia, 1,580 in Sudan, 1,304 in Ivory Coast and 195 in East Timor. Army is full of numerous achievements on Peacekeeping missions around the globe.
The sacrifices and contributions of Pakistani troops speak of the commitment of the troops to peace across the globe and Pakistanis desire to see the principles of human dignity freedom and self-determination applied to all the people struggling to secure their inalienable basic human right.
Pakistan is providing approximately 12.25 per cent of its total number of troops for ongoing UN missions and current deployments include eight major peacekeeping missions. The UN has acknowledged the role and valuable contribution made by Pakistani contingents as part of Peacekeeping missions. In pursuance of the sacred cause for peacekeeping, 98 Pakistani peacekeepers have so far laid down their lives which are almost two men per year for achieving peace and forging tranquility in disturbed countries of the world.
In addition to that around 100 personnel were wounded. Pakistan started this mission by contributing a battalion group, comprising one infantry battalion and supporting elements. The mission was later expanded and Pakistan contributed an additional infantry brigade comprising three infantry battalions. Presently 3,582 troops of Pakistan Army are rendering valuable services there. In Liberia presently over 3391 troops of Pakistan are serving in blue beret.
The mission established in November 2003, consists of a sector headquarters, two infantry battalions, one infantry battalion as Quick Reaction Force, three engineer companies and a level II hospital. In Ivory Coast Pakistanis contingent with a total strength of 1,129 personnel consists of elements Transport Company, Engineers, Infantry Police Unit comprising 175 personnel. UN established its mission in Sudan in October 2005.
Pakistanis contingent consists of Sector Headquarters, an Infantry Battalion Group, two Aviation Units, one Transport Company, level-II Hospital, Engineer and de-mining company with a total strength of - 1,542 men. In Haiti presently Pakistan has two companies formed of police units, comprising 250 personnel. In Kosovo Pakistan has provided civilian Police Contingent comprising 115 personnel.
Its Headquarters in Pristine the mission in Kosovo was established in December 2006. In East Timor 195 personnel of formal police unit formed part of UN mission which was established in November 2004. Presently 129 Pakistani Military Observers and 63 Staff Officers are also deployed on 14 UN missions. These observers and staff officers are deployed in Congo, Sierra Leone, East Timor, Liberia, Georgia, Ivory Coast, Western Sahara, Kosovo, Sudan, UN Headquarters New York, Haiti, Ethiopia, Darfur and Brundi.
Pakistan told a committee of the General Assembly that it remains committed to the UN playing a central role in advancing the broad development agenda and in promoting a genuine and enhanced global partnership for development. Pakistan facing the twin challenge of ensuring sustained development in the wake of the multiple global economic crises, while responding effectively to the imperatives of climate change is particularly daunting.
Islamabad said; The global development scenario remains complex. We see an urgent imperative to close our ranks and redouble efforts to address the daunting development challenges that the world confronts today.

Pakistan has always been a strong proponent of UN in the development of an effective mechanism to monitor the implementation of agreed development goals and commitments. In this regard, a comprehensive matrix needs to be developed to assess the actions taken by all relevant actors – national governments, development partners, international institutions, civil society and the private sector.
The Peacekeeping operations will remain largely inadequate if not backed by equal efforts aimed at conflict resolution and post conflict peace-building; with a particular focus on conflict prevention, pacific settlement of disputes and addressing the underlying causes of conflict. Accordingly, a real interface of peacekeeping and peace-building through integrated missions and Peace-building Commission is essential for formulating the right exit strategies and laying down the foundations of sustainable peace and development.


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