Elections and our future

Courtesy:- Malik Muhammad Ashraf

There are no two opinions about the fact that the future of this country lies in treading the democratic path where people are the masters of their own destiny

The constitution of Pakistan through Article 62 has prescribed certain qualifications for the persons aspiring to become members of the legislatures. In this regard clause (f) of the article is the most significant of all the listed qualifications. According to this clause no person shall be qualified to be elected or chosen as member of Majli-e-Shoora unless ‘he is sagacious, righteous and non-profligate, honest and ameen, there being no declaration to the contrary by a court of law’. There is no fool-proof mechanism available to determine somebody’s sagacity and righteousness except the reputation of a person, mostly based on subjective considerations. But the honesty of a person and his conduct as ameen are verifiable human traits determined through objective evaluations. In the case of politicians and public representatives, being honest means commitment to serving the masses selflessly and abstaining from any kind of corruption for personal gains, misuse of the authority or bestowing favours on others through illegal means. Being ameen means not betraying the trust of the people bestowed on them for promoting the well-being of the masses.
If we judge our politicians and public representatives against the touchstone of the foregoing qualifications, I am afraid none of them will be eligible to be the member of the legislatures because almost all of them have a slew of skeletons in their cupboards. Pakistan is at the cross-roads because of the shenanigans of our rulers both civilians and military who have wielded power to entrench the culture of graft and entitlement. There are proven cases of their corruption and betrayal of public trust. Now that the SC and ECP have put their foot down to ensure that only people with unsoiled past and impeccable character are allowed to represent the people and the caretaker sep up is also determined to hold free fair and transparent elections, justice demands that not only the fake degree holders, dual nationals, tax evaders and loan defaulters be debarred from contesting the elections but those who have misused their authority, encouraged and promoted systemic corruption, have been found guilty of hatching conspiracies and using public money to manipulate results of elections and their cohorts may also be deprived of the opportunity to participate in the electoral process.
The people identified in SC decision in the Asghar Khan case and other scams and people like Pervez Musharraf who is guilty of sedition for removing a legitimately elected government, decimating the constitution and tormenting the judiciary must also be disqualified and criminal proceedings initiated against them. Justice must not only be done but it must also be seen to be done. It must be done across the board. Any attempt giving the semblance of a witch-hunt is likely to boomerang and have disastrous consequences for the country.
The political parties themselves have a role to play in making sure that the future leadership and government comprises the individuals who are honest and amen. They are fully aware of the stuff that they have. Therefore, the initial purge must be carried out by them by not awarding party tickets to any person who has a reputation of being corrupt, irrespective of the considerations of the person being a sure shot winner in the ensuing elections. If they do not read the writing on the wall, I am afraid they might lose their relevance in the future scheme of things.
There are no two opinions about the fact that the future of this country lies in treading the democratic path where people are the masters of their own destiny. That is the vision bequeathed by the father of the nation. Regrettably, the brand of democracy practised in this country is contrary to the vision of the architects of Pakistan. Instead of promoting the well being of the people it has created islands of affluence in the oceans of poverty. Apart from our politicians, the military adventurers are also responsible for perpetuating the culture of corruption and graft for prolonging their power stints and taking decisions that have pushed this country into a crucible of precipice.
Pakistan can be saved from the impending dangers through the concerted efforts of all the stakeholders including the state institutions by making sure that our unenviable past does not cast its evil shadow on our future. The people of Pakistan who are the ultimate arbiters and the real sovereign as per the constitution, also need to wake up and make right choices in regards to whom they give their mandate. The results of the ensuing elections will determine whether Pakistan goes the way envisioned by the Quaid or trundles on to the path of disaster. The opportunity that has come their way to choreograph their own future and strengthen democracy must not be squandered away through irrational choices by sticking to the traditional considerations for voting. The peace, progress and tranquility in the country is inextricably linked to issue-based voting culture. Thanks to all those who made sure the continuity of the democratic process. But that is not enough. We have to turn democracy into a vehicle capable of promoting the well being of the masses. That would certainly require systemic reforms in the way we elect our representative but until that comes about in the future, we can at least make a healthy break from the past by electing honest people in the coming elections and paving the way for the desired reforms.
The media has a greater responsibility to create awareness among the masses about what is at stake and help and guide them in making the right choices. To be able to play that role, it has to act as a forum for free debate on national issues by getting itself unstuck from the political polarization, which also is visible in the media itself. It has the right to zealously guard its freedom but at the same time, it is obligated to exhibit sense of social responsibility by sticking to the code of conduct for media issued by the ECP, which is almost in conformity with the internationally recognised principles of professional conduct for the media.


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