PML-N can’t be party to turmoil

Courtesy:- S Rahman

Democracy is not something that should be understood in terms of democratic sloganeering but it is essentially a practical demonstration of democratic deeds the like of which the people have already witnessed in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, Balochistan and of late in Azad Jammu and Kashmir with Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif firmly supporting the democratic process with practical steps.

Just the other day, a move was sponsored by some PPP legislators of Azad Jammu and Kashmir in the form of a no-trust motion against the sitting AJK Prime Minister Chaudhry Abdul Majeed. Even some homework was done by the movers of this no-trust move to replace Chuadhry Abdul Majeed with a candidate of their own choice namely Barrister Sultan Mahmood (former AJK PM). The number game had also gone into full swing making many people believe that the days of the present AJK government were numbered. It was indeed in bad taste and, above all, it had international ramifications, as well, because of the sensitive nature of the Kashmir territory in the backdrop of Indo-Pak tension on the Kashmir dispute.

Going for the removal of an elected government for ‘personal reasons of likes and dislikes’ in such a sensitive milieu was an unwise move and it could also be described as an undemocratic action since it involved removal of an elected regime in the midst of its people’s mandated tenure.

Prime Minister Mian Nawaz Sharif’s timely action has dampened the ‘ambitions’ of those few AJK parliamentarians who wanted to ‘grab power’ in complete disregard for the overall situation prevailing in the country especially in the Indo-Pak ties’ context. The PM’s action has also brought stability in the democratic system in AJK but it has a wider background that started with the government-formation initiatives undertaken by different political parties immediately after May’s general elections.

It is in the knowledge of every Pakistani that Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz could easily form coalition governments in Balochistan as well as Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) but the PML-N chief and prime minister took the decision of giving chance to other parties. This goes to prove one fact that PML-N is not a party of power-hungry people whose only aim of life is getting into power by hook or by crook. This sacrifice on the part of PM Nawaz Sharif and his party affiliates has contributed substantially towards the democratic cause in such a manner that the provinces (including, obviously, Balochistan and KP) feel additionally strengthened with the trust and confidence reposed in them and in their people by the Federation.

It was in the true spirit of the Federation that these wise and democratic decisions were taken by PM Mian Nawaz Sharif thus laying the foundation of a national democratic system that is free from most of the regional-cum-provincial resentments of the past. This is democracy. If democracy can’t address the genuine grievances and expectations of its people dwelling in neglected areas (or provinces), it doesn’t qualify to be true democracy.

The same spirit of federalism or federal unity and love for democracy has been demonstrated by PM Sharif in the case of AJK. The Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has also alluded to the position taken by his party at the time of formation of governments in Balochistan and KP while passing instructions to the juniors and the minister concerned. PM Nawaz Sharif has clearly directed Federal Minister for Kashmir Affairs and Gilgit-Baltistan, Birjees Tahir, to firmly advise the PML-N leadership of AJK to abstain from indulging in government-dislodging activity that could create a political turmoil in Azad Kashmir.

And, while presiding over the cabinet meeting, the prime minister has categorically stated that keeping up with the best democratic traditions, the PML-N would neither try to dislodge the present government in Azad Kashmir nor would it be a party to any no-confidence move.

This democracy-boosting decision of PM Sharif should not be evaluated on the yardstick of AJK only. Instead, the entire democratic journey and struggle of Sharif brothers and their party, the PML-N, should be kept in mind in order to arrive at the true picture of these leaders’ sincere commitment to democratic norms.

Sharifs’ signing of Charter of Democracy with one of their traditionally staunch political opponent, Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto, was a marvelous democratic overture for which the nation is indebted to these leaders to this day. Mian Nawaz Sharif and his party even had to face criticism from various quarters that they were a friendly opposition that would acquiesce at every misdoing of the party in power (PPP) at that time. This proved to be a totally wrong perception about Sharifs and PML-N. The fact is that PML-N leadership, by way of their discreet and patient responses, strengthened the cause of democracy to a great extent. It was this wise and democratic conduct of PML-N leadership that blocked the way of undemocratic forces to take over on the routine pretext of political infighting and instability.

One must, therefore appreciate PM Sharif’s timely decision to prevent any ambitious adventure in AJK in the name of so-called democracy. And one must also appreciate the moves undertaken, in continuity, by Mian Nawaz Sharif for the cause of democracy, may it be Balochistan, KP, AJK or any other region.


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