PM speech to youth

Respected elders, brothers, sisters and committed youth!


 I do not intend to make any speech but want to briefly announce certain measures which we had promised in our manifesto and to which we repeatedly referred during the election campaign. Today, we embark upon the fulfilment of those promises. This is the first step in that direction and  with the passage of time the scope of these measures will not only be expanded but extra resources will also be diverted to this end which I consider as a sacred mission.
Your government is firmly committed to helping Pakistan surmount all its difficulties and elevating the country’s economy to that a level of strength as to render us independent of foreign assistance. We want to save on all the amount which is presently meeting the  losses of public sector enterprises. The resources so saved could be devoted to the welfare, education and training and the provision of employment opportunities to our youth. As I said, we spend Rs.500 billion each year to subsidize our loss making enterprises. Should this amount be available to the government, it could be  utilized for the benefit and welfare of the poor and on projects of youth development to usher in prosperity in their lives.
Despite limited resources, we are taking such initiatives in accordance with our manifesto as will open new vistas of opportunities for the less privileged and the youth. The basic object of these programmes is to make our youth self employed and independent. As you know that the government services are shrinking day by day, the world over. In Pakistan too, the opportunities of government employment are inversely related to population growth. One of the reasons for the loss of public sector enterprises is over employment in these organizations. Nepotism has undermined merit and now these enterprises have run into wreckage under the immense burden of over sizing. The PIA, Railways and Steel Mills are a few glaring examples. These enterprises eat Rs. 500 billion as subsidy. It is highly advisable in the public interest that wherever there is a strong private sector, the youth should be helped to stand on their own feet instead of letting them wander for jobs from door to door.
These are the promises that we made in the election campaign. We want to create such a conducive environment as to enable you earn your own living and also help others live in respect. Keeping these objects in view, the government wants to immediately imitate six programmes, which are briefly elaborated below:
1.      The first scheme envisages MICRO Interest free Loans which is dedicated to low income people. There is a provision of Rs. 3 billion for this scheme in the budget in the current financial year. About 150,000 young people will benefit from this interest free scheme.
2.      The second Small Business Loans Scheme aims at those educated unemployed youth who want to start their own business. 50 percent loans under this scheme are reserved for femle entrepreneurs. Under this scheme, loans of 0.5 to 2.0 million will be advanced to those skilled persons who would like to start their own workshop or an agri-business. There will be a concessional mark up of 8 percent on these loans and the difference will be paid by the government. Initially, these loans will be administered through the Nation al Bank and The First Women Bank for which Rs. 05 billion have been allocated.

3.         The third one is the Youth Tanning Scheme under which those young people will be selected for practical training whom would have completed 16 years education from a recognized institution. This will enable them find suitable jobs in or outside the country. I pray and wish that no one should look for job abroad but should find one at home. A stipend of Rs. 10 thousand will be given to the trainees during the on job training. There is an allocation of Rs.04 billion for this scheme which will benefit 50 thousand graduates.
Necessary skill and craft training will be given to trainees to enable them earn their living. Young boys and girls up to 25 years of age with middle level education will benefit from this scheme. The trainees will be given a scholarship of Rs. 05 thousand a month for six months. The fee of the training institutions will be paid by the government. An amount of Rs. 800 million has been earmarked for this purpose.

5.         The Fifth scheme is being initiated for Fee Reimbursement of the students belonging to less developed areas. The government is determined that no talented youth should remain uneducated because of financial constraints. Under this scheme, the tuition fee of the students studying at MA, MSc. or higher level will be borne by the government.  An amount of Rs. 1200 million has been budgeted for this scheme which will cover 30 thousand students at an average of Rs. 40 thousand per student per year.

6.         The sixth scheme is for the Provision of Laptops. In the present age of information technology, it is difficult to acquire quality education without the use of computer which is an effective source of access to the wealth of information and knowledge. In view of the importance of information technology, the Government of Punjab was the first one to distribute laptops. The federal government also intends to provide laptops to deserving students. Under this scheme, 100, 000 students will be receive free laptops for which an amount of Rs. 4 billion has been allocated.

Ladies and Gentlemen!

                        The federal cabinet has approved the concept of these schemes and arrangements for their implementation are ready. Nevertheless, to make these schemes more effective, transparent and merit based, I would like to benefit from your proposals. These schemes will be loaded on a special website- from 23 September 2013. You may give your proposals on this website, through SMS at a special mobile phone No.  80028 or in writing to PM Office ,Islamabad. Details of these schemes will also be published in news papers and telecast on TV. Suggestions will be received for ten days. I will not be satisfied till I receive your suggestions in the light of which these schemes will be finalized and given effect.

My dear youth,

            The government has allocated Rs.20 billion for these schemes in the current fiscal year. I know that this is not a large amount but as we are facing serious economic problems, we cannot afford more. We have to address the electricity problem and revive the economy, construct roads, motorways, hospitals and develop our industry for which we need large resources. As I already said, each year a huge sum of Rs.500 billion just go down the drain. However, the time is not far when this precious tax payers’ money will be spent on more productive undertakings. We have decided that in the coming years, we will allocate more resources to the schemes that aim at your welfare.

            My dear youth!

I would like to say that these schemes will be executed in all the four provinces, Azad Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan. I ask you to come forward and make the best use of these opportunities. I am confident that with your talent and dedication we will elevate Pakistan to the ultimate pedestal of self respect, prosperity and sovereignty. Rise with complete faith in Allah to change your destiny. Surely, you will cause a prosperous future to dawn on the country’s horizon.


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