Indian aggression persists in IHK

Courtesy:- S Rahman

Whenever, there is discussion on Indo-Pak ties, attention is automatically drawn towards Kashmir that has, at times, been declared nuclear flashpoint by some global powers. And whenever there is discussion on nuclearization of the two neighbours, the first-use or second-use options also come under consideration.
It is strange why the world fraternity or other leading powers don\'t give serious thought to the first-use of force in the Kashmir context? It is a historical fact proven with concrete evidence that India was the first to use (brute) force and aggression to launch an attack on Jammu and Kashmir 66 years ago this day i.e 27th of October?

If the world adheres to true principles of justice and fair play, the one who initiates the aggression is to be treated as an aggressor having no entitlement to leniency (either of opinion or action). And, apart from the laid down principles of justice that ought to be obeyed worldwide, the rules of natural justice also don\'t allow for treating an aggressor on equal footing with the wronged party (or the innocent party). The distinction must be drawn for the sake of regional and global peace and in the interest of the fundamental right of freedom to live.
It is this right to live freely and independently whose implementation Kashmiris and their Pakistani brethren have been demanding for the last 66 years in keeping with the resolutions of the United Nations Security Council. Quite interestingly, these resolutions had, for quite some time, been enjoying ownership by one of the most popular prime ministers of India, Jawaharlal Nehru but, unfortunately, somersaults on Kashmir resolutions have remained the hallmark of Indian leaders and governments notwithstanding the solemn pledge by one of their most popular elected leaders to implement the UN Security Council resolutions on Kashmir.
The fact is that New Delhi has been toeing the line of obduracy quite brazenly with the sole objective of perpetuating its imperialist, forced accession/subjugation of Kashmir.
It is now a very well known fact that all sorts of atrocities have been committed against innocent Kashmiris whose voice for freedom would be suppressed (and is suppressed even now) with brute force and through the enforcement of black laws like Tada, Pota and Armed Forces Special Powers Act. These laws empower the Indian troops and other security setups to detain Kashmiri \'suspects\' (freedom movement activists) for inhumanly lengthy period of time. The Kashmiris have also been subjected to intolerable mental torture, humiliation and third degree methods. Mass killings, mass graves and rape of Kashmiri womenfolk have been reported time and again in international fora and reports. According to these reports, Indian troops\' deployment in the Occupied Kashmir territory (IHK) is about half (even more) of the total personnel strength of the Indian armed forces. So far, they have killed around one hundred thousand Kashmiris who were innocent, their only \'crime\' being demanding the right of self-determination.
Paradoxically, even this right of self-determination of Kashmiris is not acceptable to Indian establishment and political cadre although it is something short of total independence. As is evident from its title \'self-determination\', it is the basic, inalienable right of any fraternity or community to decide its own fate. In the case of Kashmiris, had they been given the opportunity to exercise their right of self-determination, they could have been able to decide their fate.
Instead, India has remained stuck to its stubborn standpoint on Kashmir declaring it as its integral part.
Even the forced accession of Kashmir by Indian troops in 1947 was carried out on the basis of a dubious/fake letter purportedly issued by former Maharaja of Kashmir. It is, however, very saddening to note that the world conscience has most of the time remained apathetic towards the sad plight and predicament of Kashmiris and because of this apathy and acquiescence, India has continued to pursue its policy of blatant subjugation and oppression in Kashmir to date with no signs of repentance, let alone reformation.
Good news is that Pakistan\'s Prime Minister, Mian Nawaz Sharif, has undertaken serious endeavours to highlight the cause of Kashmir which have been highly appreciated by Kashmiri leaders.
In a recently held joint news conference, former PM of Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Barrister Sultan Mehmood and other Kashmiri leaders have appreciated Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif for taking a clear stand on the Kashmir issue during his address to the UN General Assembly.


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