PM treads prosperity path

Courtesy:-  S RAHMAN

Instead of getting unnerved over the threatened long marches and protest rallies, Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif has expressed his resolve to foil all conspiracies with the support of other pro-democracy forces that are being hatched by elements of a particular mindset to derail the ongoing democratic system. 

Now let us analyse whether this is merely a morale-boosting and confidence-gaining statement or an expression of real determination that is backed by vision and sound planning? 

A little insight into the things reveal that the vision of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif is that of prosperity, peace and progress which makes him think and plan things optimistically and with faith in our national destiny. 

And not only his statements but his actions also speak volumes of the PM's commitment to country's development and growth. Not a single day passes when the PM and his team do not work out forward steps to set and re-set the priorities. Almost every other day, strict scrutiny of the ongoing projects is done and instructions passed for expediting the schemes besides working out plans for yet newer development projects. 

It is against this backdrop that one must review Prime Minister's latest statement that the ill designs of anti-democratic elements would be foiled. Obviously, when the country would have gone a long distance on the path of prosperity, the end products will not only emerge in the shape of economic empowerment alone but also in the form of strengthening of the socio-democratic fabric for all times to come. 

So, what is needed that all and sundry should join hands with the PM and his government in their long march on the path of stability, peace and prosperity. Shahbaz Sharif, the Punjab Chief Minister, has rightly demanded that we should follow in the footsteps of China to embark on the march of prosperity. Yes, indeed our salvation lay in the long march of prosperity and not in the long march of malice, dramatised politicking and instability. 

Of course, the country needs to proceed on the path of forward movements and that of march towards future. It is this path that Nawaz Sharif has chosen at the Centre and the Punjab Chief Minister, in the biggest province. But that's not all, the Centre, under the direct supervision and guidance of the Prime Minister, is doing its utmost to uplift the other provinces also. 

The latest initiative undertaken in this area is the launching of mega projects for Sindh. While presiding over a high-level meeting in Karachi few days back (that was also attended by Sindh Governor Dr Ishratul Ibad and the provincial CM, Syed Qaim Ali Shah), the PM has announced Rs 15 billion Green Line Bus service for Karachi whose entire cost would be borne by the federal government. These Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) corridors had been proposed by the Japan International Co-operation Agency (JICA) and the federal government has taken the first important step to translate this proposal into reality in the foreseeable future. This foreseeable future factor is quite significant because the stress throughout has been laid by the PM on speedy completion without any laxity. Lethargy would not be tolerated, is the clear-cut message of the PM. 

In addition, the 26-billion-rupee Karachi Greater Water Supply scheme has been finalised, half of the funds to come from the Centre. And there is no match from the Karachi-Lahore Motorway, for which Rs 55 billion have already been allocated for the current year budget and given to NHA (to be followed by more the following years). This motorway project will not only provide a fresh impetus to inland trade, connectivity and smooth travelling but it will also expand the frontiers beyond to farther regions and make Pakistan a bigger hub of economic activity due to its wide connectivity with other countries of the world. 

The Karachi Green Line Rapid Bus Transit project was direly needed. Karachiites have long been suffering due to population explosion and traffic congestion on the roads. According to the experts, the project would also cover the densely-populated localities and it would stretch from Surjani Town to Jama Cloth Market and Merewether Tower, a 22.2 kilometer track. It would also ease travelling for four hundred thousand people every day with a flyover also included in the plan for signal-free movement. 

And, as regards the greater water supply scheme, the biggest problem of Karachi, apart from the law and order situation, has been improper water supply system. That would be done away with, says the PM. The plan envisages supply of water from Kinjhar Lake to Karachi besides other measures. 

With the same spirit of care and concern, the PM has also accepted in principle, the suggestion given by Sindh Governor for construction of Rs 42 billion Malir Motorway which would be a part of M9 and link both the seaports. 

As if this were not enough, the PM availed the opportunity of his presence in the Sindh capital to take care of other compelling problems including the deteriorating law and order situation. Actually, the PM has made it a point to pay visits to the provinces and try to resolve the issues as well as launch more and more projects with the federal government's financial, administrative and even technical support. 

Take, for example the latest Karachi meeting presided over by Prime Minister. Special emphasis was given during this meeting to ensuring an enabling environment for the initiation of public welfare and development schemes and also for consolidation of these gains. And by that is meant, as envisioned by the PM, securing peace throughout Karachi and remaining parts of Sindh. In fact, securing peace is also one of the top most priorities of the PML-N government. 

The launch of military operation Zarb-e-Azb in North Waziristan, with the vehement support of Pakistan's chivalrous armed services, is a solid, result-oriented step in that direction ie in the direction of providing a peaceful environment to the people of Pakistan . 

It has been reported that the PM, on this occasion advised the Sindh CM to purchase and provide state-of-the-art APCs (Armed Personnel Carriers), bullet-proof vests and modern weapons to Sindh police and in all such schemes, the federal government's support would always be there. 

At the same time, the PM assured the Sindh Chief Minister and Governor that development funds for the K-IV, SIII and other mega schemes would not be curtailed. The issue of Karachi Circular Railway and Lyari Expressway was also taken up. These endeavours are bound to yield positive results for the betterment of the entire Pakistani citizenry and when there is betterment, the empowerment follows and when the latter comes, so comes stability, prosperity and peace. 


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