The danger may still be there

Courtesy:-   Malik Muhammad Ashraf

The downside of conspiracies is that they ultimately reveal themselves, no matter how skilfully and cleverly their architects try to camouflage them. Similarly the beauty of the truth is that it invariably has the last laugh.

The circumstantial evidence ferreted out by the media ever since Qadri and Imran Khan met in London in the first week of June and revelations by Javed Hashmi and Shah Mahmood Qureshi’s brother regarding who might actually have orchestrated and sponsored the Azadi and Revolution marches, are the ranting endorsements of the maxim that evil can never be kept under wraps.

The way Imran Khan and Qadri had been challenging the writ of the state, practically demonstrated by in the take-over of the PTV offices by the workers of the PAT, the continued occupation of Constitution Avenue by the agitators despite repeated instructions of the SC to clear it, the assault on Parliament House and occupation of its lawns and the aplomb with which they had been predicting the fall of the government as a result of intervention by the umpire, amply suggested that there was definitely something sinister about their campaigns and both these gentlemen were acting as punters for some hidden hands.

We should be thankful that they now not only stand exposed before the people of Pakistan. Their despicable attempt to execute the plan failed miserably due to their inability to bring millions to the capital.

A very strong factor that has contributed to the failure of the plan is the rare unity exhibited by all the political forces represented in parliament to defend democracy and the constitution and the unqualified support expressed by lawyers, journalists, the judiciary and the civil society in this regard. 

The people of Pakistan have completely rejected Imran’s call for civil disobedience. Another big deterrent for the duo has been that the Supreme Court is hearing a case filed by the president of the Supreme Court Bar Association regarding extra-constitutional measures to destabilise democracy.

But the danger may still not be over. The threat by Altaf Hussain to pull out of the assemblies has been seen by some as a link in the same chain. He has been advocating imposition of martial law and even in the present situation has called upon the generals to make a decisive move.

The prime minister is on record to have stated on the floor of parliament that there was a need to find out how and why these marches came about. There are clear signs that the marches were the instruments of a conspiracy to destabilise democracy and constitutional rule in the country, either by some internal actors or external forces or a combination of the both.

Pakistan’s nuclear status is not acceptable to certain global players and they also disapprove its close cooperation with China which they consider their future rival on the global chess-board. 

China is contemplating to revive the old Silk Route and has signed an agreement with Pakistan for Pak-China Economic corridor under which it would make an investment of $34 billion in infrastructure and energy projects, ushering in a new era of economic prosperity in Pakistan. That certainly conflicts with strategic and geo-political interests of some global powers and their allies, though they never tire of verbally supporting democracy and constitutional rule in Pakistan.

There is justification of a thorough probe into the allegations of a conspiracy and unearth those who are out to harm Pakistan. A judicial commission needs to be set up immediately to accomplish this task and its findings released so that the nation knows the real villains who are then brought to justice in accordance with the law of the land.

The government will also have to show the courage to tell the nation what forces are defying the writ of the government.

This certainly is a defining moment in our history and if at this juncture we fail to challenge the tormentors of our nation and establish rule of law, the enemies of this county will have the better of us, jeopardising our national unity and future as a sovereign state.


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